獅頭鵝肝(厚切) 凍乾冷凍脫水小食 15g 人類食品級 純天然 無添加 寶寶豬





D.O.G. 寶寶豬 Dogs Of Goodness 👑全港首創!First Product Launch in Hong Kong! Premium Freeze-Dried Thick-Cut Lion Head Goose Liver 15g for Dogs and Cats 優質凍乾 獅頭鵝肝(厚切) 15g 貓狗適用 獅頭鵝,👑世界鵝王之稱。我們嚴選💯珍貴人類食用級原個獅頭鵝肝厚切,味道甘香,質感細膩。有別於坊間一般風乾肉,過程流失大量營養和肉香。我們特別採用革命性低溫FD凍乾技術,大大減少營養流失,保持鬆化口感及原有肉香。低溫FD凍乾技術有效鎖住豐富蛋白氨基酸、天然酵素、維生素、礦物質、微量元素等。 👍珍貴特選特選獅頭鵝肝含鉀離子、鈣離子等豐富微量元素,低脂,豐富氨基酸及不飽和脂肪酸。 ✨獅頭鵝肝有助益氣補虛,提升食慾,增強活力,是寵愛你的心肝寶貝毛孩之首選。 ✅特製小包裝有效保持新鮮及肉香。 純天然,無添加激素,無添加誘食劑,無添加防腐劑,無味精。非風乾,非冷藏。 No added hormones. Natural premium human grade treats packed with high quality protein, trace minerals and enormous nutritional contents. Ingredients / 成份: Lion Head Goose Liver 獅頭鵝肝 Net Weight: 15g Nutrition Information / 營養資訊: Crude Protein / 粗蛋白質 ≥45.0% Crude Fat / 粗脂肪 ≥4.0% Crude Fiber / 粗膳食纖維 ≤1.5% Moisture / 水份 ≤6.0% Feeding Instructions / 食用獎勵指引: Can be given as perfect reward at any time. Always provide fresh drinking water & supervise when feeding. Suggest to start by feeding small portion (cut into small pieces for small breed dogs or cats), then increase gradually day after day. "Deoxidizer" and/or “Desiccant” packets are for sustaining level of dryness, keeping food fresh and tasty, they are NOT intended for consumption. 建議切成小塊給小型毛孩。從少量開始,其後每日慢慢適量增加。確保在監護下食用及提供充足飲用水。 為保持鮮度和肉香,特意加入"Deoxidizer" 除氧劑或/及“Desiccant” 乾燥劑,切勿食用。 Safe Handling Instructions / 食安指引 : Always put remaining food in an airtight container. Store in dry and cool place. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep separate from other foods. Consume within 7 days after opening. Not for human consumption. 獨立保存在密封容器內,放置乾爽陰涼處,避免太陽直接照射。開封後,請於7天內享用。只供貓狗食用。













